It was another wonderful,
wet, wacky and wild Schooner Wharf Minimal Regatta on Sunday, May
25th. The entries were as clever, imaginative and creative as they
were diverse! We had participants, on the �Salty Surprise� with a
support team of 23 all the way from Cape Coral, Florida. Crowd
favorites, Cat Brewster, a 10 year old �Can Do� dynamo and Katie
Leigh, who is 8 � months pregnant on �The Mother Ship.� were a big
hit. The �WWF Danger Charters Team� brought in a fleet of 5 vessels
(some built that morning!) complete with costumes and WWF antics to
all our amusement. Gillian & crew showed up on the �S.S. Minnow,� and
USCG Captain Toro won the Most Creative Award with his Spanish Galleon
design, complete with sails, a maiden walking the plank, cannons and a
shark! |

Some of the participants in the 23rd Annual Schooner Wharf Minimal
Regatta |
The VFW and
the Key West Parrothead Club, who also had a colorful entry the
�Phloating Phlockers,� raised funds by selling poppies, Minimal
Regatta and VFW tee shirts. They also held a 50/50 raffle, and the
entry fees for participating vessels proceeds went to VFW Post 3911.
Their cause this year was Key West housing for veterans and the VFW
hospital in Miami.
Vessel: Conch Cruiser - Captain Joe Grimminck
Vessel: Bombora Vodka � Captain Caitlin Lustic
Sportsman Honorable Mentions
Vessel: Salty Surprise = Captain Rich Macc � Cape Coral, Florida
Vessel: Mothership � Katie Leigh � 8 1/2 months pregnant
Vessel: Phloating Phlockers � Key West Parrothead Club
Vessel: Can Do - Captain Cat Brewster � 10 years old
Vessel: Morning Wood IV - Captain Skippy Weber
Vessel: No Problem II - Captain Roby Paty
Vessel: Savage � Captain Dale Danger
Best Costume Award � 2nd Place
Vessel: SS Minnow � Captain Harrison Wood
Best Costume Award � 1st Place
Vessel: WWF Danger Team
Most Creative Design � 2nd Place
Vessel: SWB Breakfast Club � President Kirk Schnabel
Most Creative Design � 1st Place
Vessel: Scallywag � Captain Magdiel Torres
Captain Derek Torres
Captain Christina McCann
Paint Job � 2nd Place
Vessel: Shadrock � Captain Eric Kennerly
Paint Job � 1st Place
Vessel: Kraken Up � Captain Shannon White
Kayak Design � 3rd Place
Vessel: Booster 3000 Captain Steven King
Kayak Design - 2nd Place
Vessel: Never Sink Captain Max Schwab
Kayak Design � 1st Place
Vessel: Baby Blue Blur � Captain Andy Waters
Open Design � 3rd Place
Vessel: Coast Tiki � Billy Kearins
Open Design � 2nd Place
Vessel: Fire Cracker � Captain Kit Jayne
Open Design � 1st Place
Vessel: 6 Feet Under � Captain Brian Plate
Magdiel �Toro� Torres on his Spanish Galleon Scallawag in the
Schooner Wharf 23rd Annual Minimal Regatta |
Max Schwabb on Never Sink, Captain Andy Waters on Baby Blue Blur
and Captain Steven King on the Booster 3000 were highly
competitive in the Kayak/Canoe Division in the Schooner Wharf 23rd
Annual Minimal Regatta |
Hulk o
Mania from the WWF Danger Charters team second attempt to leave
the dock at race start in the Schooner Wharf 23rd Annual Minimal
Regatta |
Meyers competitor Captain Richard Macc on Salty Surprise, Captain
Joe Grimminck on Conch Cruiser Captain Julia Gray on WWF Danger
Cat in the Schooner Wharf 23rd Annual Minimal Regatta |
Dale on
Savage was also Sinker on the � Hulk o Mania from the WWF Danger
Charters team in the Schooner Wharf 23rd Annual Minimal Regatta |
Schooner Wharf bartender Brooke Inkell was captain of the WWF
Danger Diva in the Schooner Wharf 23rd Annual Minimal Regatta |
crew Eric Kennerly on Shadrock was another contender for the
Sinker Award in the Schooner Wharf 23rd Annual Minimal Regatta |
The 6
contenders in the final for the Open Design in the Schooner Wharf
23rd Annual Minimal Regatta |
Captain "Toro," the
Most Creative Design winner with "Can Do" dynamo Cat Brewster, who
won the Sportsmanship Award |
crew of Scallywag Christina McCann, Magdiel �Toro� and Derek
Torres won the Most Creative Award for their Spanish Galleon at
the Schooner Wharf Minimal Regatta Awards. |